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10 Steps Before Putting a Property on the Market

10 Steps Before Putting a Property on the Market

Are you gearing up to sell your property? Congratulations! Selling a property can be an exciting journey, but it also requires careful preparation to ensure you get the best possible outcome. One of the crucial aspects of preparing your property for sale is staging. 

Staging involves arranging your home in a way that highlights its best features and appeals to potential buyers. At Interlet, we offer incredible staging services for our vendors, courtesy of our fantastic management team. 

To help you get started, here are ten essential steps to take before putting your property on the market for sale:

  1. DeclutterBefore you begin staging, it's essential to declutter your home. Remove any unnecessary items, such as excess furniture, personal belongings, and clutter from countertops and shelves. A clean and clutter-free space will make your home appear more spacious and inviting to buyers.

  2. Deep Clean: Give your home a thorough cleaning from top to bottom. Pay special attention to high-traffic areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. A clean home not only looks more appealing but also gives the impression that the property has been well-maintained.

  3. Make Repairs: Take care of any minor repairs or maintenance issues before listing your property for sale. This could include fixing leaky taps, repairing chipped paint, or replacing broken light fixtures. Addressing these issues upfront can prevent them from becoming negotiation points during the sale process.

  4. Neutralise Decor: While you may love bold colours and unique decor, potential buyers may not share the same taste. Consider neutralising your home's decor by painting walls in neutral tones and removing any personalised items or overly trendy decor. This allows buyers to envision themselves living in the space more easily.

  5. Maximise Street Appeal: The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see, so it's essential to make a good first impression. Boost your home's street appeal by maintaining the landscaping, cleaning the exterior, and making any necessary repairs to the facade or entryway.

  6. Depersonalise: Remove personal items such as family photos, religious items, and political decor. Depersonalising your home allows potential buyers to envision themselves living there without distractions.

  7. Focus on Key Rooms: When staging your home, focus on key rooms that are most important to buyers, such as the living room, kitchen, master bedroom, and bathrooms. These rooms should be staged to showcase their functionality and appeal.

  8. Arrange Furniture Strategically: Arrange furniture in a way that creates an inviting flow and highlights the room's features. Consider the size and scale of furniture pieces and aim to create conversation areas that encourages interaction.

  9. Add Finishing Touches: Once the main staging is complete, add finishing touches such as fresh flowers, decorative pillows, and tasteful artwork. These small touches can help make your home feel more welcoming and polished.

  10. Highlight Unique Features: Finally, don't forget to highlight any unique features or selling points of your home. Whether it's a stunning view, architectural details, or upgraded appliances, make sure these features are showcased prominently during the staging process.

By following these 10 steps, you can effectively stage your property to attract potential buyers and maximise its sale potential. Remember, staging is all about creating a vision of the lifestyle your home offers, so take the time to showcase its best qualities. And don't forget, Interlet is here to assist you every step of the way with our expert staging services. Happy home-prepping!  |  020 7795 6525

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